In the heart of the turbulent Sixties, when his life and his country exploded in chaos and mad idealism, Marc DuQuette, outlaw biker and hippie commune leader joins the Revolution in an attempt to answer the questions deep within his restless soul.
This is the story of a man and an era - a crack in time in the history of American culture - a war baby's roller coaster ride of hot rods, guns, dope, revolution and redemption. It's action-packed and heartbreakingly hilarious. Playing against the beat of primitive R & B and the birth of rock and roll, Marc morphs from teenaged soldier to outlaw biker, to peace activist, to hippie leader and then to commune organizer. |
Chapter 16 - The Desert
Chapter 27 - Cucumber Fields Forever
Chapter 22 - Read Yer Cards, Brother?
Chapter 46 - Machine Gun Boy